5 Most In-demand Remote Architecture Internships For Students and Professionals

Tristin Theron

7 mins read

August 18

Architect working on a model with code
With the newfound shift towards online practices due to COVID, Remote Architecture internship options have been popping up more frequently. A person from any country may now do work for an entity from any other country. This is particularly interesting for architects as we rely so heavily on a contextual approach to any project we work on. Working on international projects forces you to recontextualize your frame of thought to suit the foreign conditions.

Any time you are recontextualising your thought processes, it allows you to step back and view these processes from an objective point of view. This contemplation is precious for self-growth and expansion of perspective.

Let us explore some opportunities for architects in the online realm as remote architecture internships become more popular.

1. Writing

When it comes to different kinds of remote architecture internships, the process of writing lends itself best to an online workflow. Prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing are the key phases one goes through when writing a piece. These phases in the process do not require constant corroboration between collaborators, but rather only at the milestones of the phases. This creates an efficient feedback system that suits the medium of writing and makes it a good choice for an online internship for architecture students.

Architect doing writing internship from home

(Source: https://www.uvocorp.com/)

2. Graphic Design

It does not take much to be able to do graphic design remotely. Aside from the skills, you could probably get away with only needing a suitable graphic design tool like Photoshop, Illustrator, an internet connection, and an email address.

While doing countless architecture projects, one has to present their graphics in a presentation format. The vast number of presentation layouts you have done as an architecture student is more than enough practice to have formed foundational knowledge from which you may now build with a remote architecture internship.

Graphics made for wine brand

Graphics for wine brand Kalamajka (Source:https://www.behance.net/)

3. Visualisation

Many architecture firms do not have an in-house architectural renderer and usually outsource their rendering to third parties. This means there are lots of places that could make use of your skills once you get your name out there. Most architecture students start rendering in the early phases of the university and end up building up high proficiency in the medium by the time they graduate.

If you are one of these people, your skills would be invaluable to the many firms that don't have renderers. You could just go the direct route of working for yourself. It is very easy to put up advertisements for your rendering services, and prospective clients could then just send you their digital models and reference images for you to deliver a product to them.

Render of dark kliplok clad homes in a misty forest

(Source: www.squarespace.com)

4. BIM

BIM or Building Information Modelling isn't just for architects in an office, it also allows us to work on buildings and designs remotely all while collaborating. Revit is the Miro of architecture. The models can be synced to a cloud that allows everyone working on the model to be up to date with the latest design changes, meaning you won't be doing any redundant designing on out-of-date parameters.

If you want to do the normal route of an architecture internship but still want to work from home, Revit is going to be your main tool. It is the most standardised BIM software for firms that allow for remote designing and collaborating.

Screenshot of Revit interface

Revit interface (Source: https://www.archdaily.com/)

5. Parametric Modelling

Parametric modelling was first invented in the software Rhino with the aid of Grasshopper, which has become incredibly popular in recent years. This kind of modelling allows you to design through computer script, enabling you to change values with the model's geometry to alter elements without changing the whole model.

It is also the process used by architecture firms like Zaha Hadid architects to generate their organic forms. Whether of any substance, the popularity of these kinds of forms will continue to facilitate work opportunities for people with parametric modelling skills.

chrome coloured parametric model

Metallic parametric model (Source: https://sketchfab.com/)

Tips to Apply for a Remote Architecture Internship


In today's times, it could not be easier to compile a professional portfolio. There is a multitude of resources, from tutorials to templates. Many skilled people make a living off of youtube just by providing these free tutorials for us, you may as well make use of them.

Many of us enjoy doing the work itself but when it comes to laying out the presentation of said work, some people may struggle (then the graphic design option may not be for you my friend). That is why there are many templates out there that have slots for you to paste the work you did, into a nice and cohesive presentation.

For more in-depth tips on making a good portfolio, check out - 12 Tips for a Kickass Architecture Portfolio.


Much like portfolios, a CV can very easily be made to look professional using various templates that are freely available to the public. Google Docs for example, which is free, has dozens to choose from to suit the specific kind of representation that you are looking for, and they can be easily adjusted if you just wish to use it as a base. You could additionally go ahead and design the entire CV page from scartch, especially if you wish to apply for graphic design internships.

Online Presence

An online presence is the networking of the internet. Having a well-curated LinkedIn profile might be beneficial as it also suggests your account to employers looking for prospective employees with skills like yours.

There are many new exciting opportunities awaiting architects online, thanks to the new perspective shift our collective society has undergone, so make the most of it and learn as much as you can. Want to learn more about the architecture industry at large? Then head over to our Resources page to find more information to help to build and direct your future.

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