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Vipanchi Handa Linkedin

Chief Product Officer

Vipanchi Handa, the Chief Product Officer and co-founder of Novatr, is a dynamic leader known for her frugal innovation expertise. With a deep-seated passion for the convergence of design and technology, Vipanchi is at the forefront of driving Novatr's mission to revolutionise the AEC (Architectural, Engineering, and Construction) industry.

Vipanchi's impressive journey includes her participation in the prestigious IIM B Goldman Sachs 10K Cohort 6 and her active role in the Lead Tribe program by Blume Ventures. These experiences have honed her skills in leadership, innovation, and strategic thinking, making her an invaluable asset to Novatr's growth and development.

Business aside, Vipanchi’s love for sports factors in while she tries to blend innovation, leadership, and her role as CPO and co-founder of Novatr. Her passion for merging design and technology, coupled with her extensive experience, positions her as a key driver of Novatr's success in the AEC industry.

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